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1% por el Planeta afiliación

Becoming proud members of 1% for the Planet

From day one, our mission as a brand has been to give back and operate responsibly — responsibly towards our planet, peers, ourselves and, of course, you.

We’re happy to announce that, since August 2020, we are proud official members of 1% for the Planet - an extraordinary global network of environmental businesses and nonprofit partners who want to protect the future of our existence on the planet.

As Yvon Chouniard, founder of 1% for the Planet, explains:

“The intent is to help fund diverse environmental organizations so that collectively they can be a more powerful source in solving the world’s problems.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves! That means we’ll be donating 1% of our yearly revenues to fantastic organizations that put the planet first. By supporting and purchasing LEFRIK backpacks you’ll be part of the change our world needs.

We’re just getting started here so check back soon. We’ll be telling stories and sharing the work of our 1% partners.




